Ever looked out and seen specs of something floating in the line of your vision? These "floaters", as they are known, will especially stand out when you stare at a light or brightly colored object, such as a white wall. The coming out of or into the sun will also cause these "floaters" to spring up. How to Cure Eye Floaters
Within each eye there is something called, vitreous humour, which is a clear, jelly-like substance that works to keep the shape of the eyeball. This substance acts as a shock absorber when the eye is pushed out of shape and is made up of more than 98% water. Sometimes substances float in the vitreous humour.
Usually, floaters will go unnoticed but sometimes they do bother people. In such cases, one should look up and down, and from side to side, to swish the vitreous humour and move the floater out of the way. If you try to look directly at them, they also may seem to disappear. In some cases, people even mistake these floaters for dust or tiny insects but their mistake is realized when they rub their eyes and find that the floaters do not disappear. Why? The floaters are within the eye and not on the surface.
Floaters can come in different shapes and sizes including dots, threads, clumps, squiggles, flecks, bubbles, webs and so on; and they are known to increase with age. Basically, as one ages the vitreous begins to dissolve and liquefy to create a watery center. Some of the un-dissolved gel will sometimes float around in the more liquid center of the vitreous. These particles can take on many shapes and sizes to become what we refer to as "floaters". An interesting fact: what you're seeing is not the object itself but ratherits shadow. Floaters also NEVER stay still.
In most cases, floaters are harmless. They are simply tiny clumps that have formed within the eyeball and because they are suspended within the vitreous humour, they move when your eye moves. However, there are those times when an increase in these floaters means damage to the eye; or eye disease. If you see flashing lights in addition to the floaters, then this could mean either a migraine, that you've gotten up too quickly, high blood pressure or that there is damage to your retina. To prevent long-term eye damage or loss of sight head off to your eye doctor immediately.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6291991
Visit:- http://howtogetridofeyefloaters.com/ For More Information